zaterdag 30 mei 2015

Well fucked so to say, there is nothing wrong with Justin Bieber ,

with this slight intent people do not like him and I know why , if they do , even hate them , and that with this amount ordinary little white piece of shit like me , but then trash , because we are the victims of some real shit that in one breath takes pride in it to be realy so fucking inhumainly to much like busting dents with their stinch alone already , so with Bieber doing a bit of shoulder work they go after his tits and call him a girl , well my defence for him is made out of all I read about him and like with me doing never a thing right it get's to be that you do the best always and then never the same like unique also , no I do not think he is a girl or a homosexual what went wrong for them who did that to me to , but still I know there is that problem with looking at him with still never getting to be to buffed at a blue-collar job likewise not trusted arround acused of screwing with your wife , see then he aint gay but still never oké , but then somewhere else compensate by not going out to druk so come late on a Saturday night on mushrooms like I did , so asking a real macho question do you muff-dive lick pussy of your girlfriend , it can but in any answer you like him to continue , to walk on but in the nodd and going I asked the girlfriend just probably the same if he realy does not do , and that is the wrong because she will say he does do , why there are women loving Bieber just the same for breaking an egg to a subject , but will be subjected to wait on all the sugested sex maybe untill fourty , allowed such wisdoms where people now hate them , and not see the possible great guy in his fourties he'll not be is what you say just afraid to be the same all over again , but alfa-dogs come young and to strong always , and that without the fighting .

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